BPK Duffel - CHP and BoP
Commissioned by INNIO Jenbacher, we have installed four flue gas systems for 4.4MW CHP installations at BPK Duffel. BPK has been a key player in the Belgian horticultural sector for more than 50 years. With this installation, BPK is able to generate clean and efficient energy, recover heat and remove CO2 from the gasses, all while reducing the noise to below the legal standard.
- Complete pollution, noise, heat and odor control system.
- CO2 reduction.
- Full BoP with engineering & fabrication.
- SCR/CO2 production modules.
- EGHE & condensing modules.
- Silencers & exhaust chimneys.
- Noise enclosures.
- Soot filters.

INNIO Jenbacher
Duffel, Belgium